Supply Chain Network
Supply Chain Network is a FREE national directory/database where small, medium and micro companies can list their business. Big Business can quickly find small companies which meet their business requirements by using the powerful filtering systems. Small Companies can find tenders available from Big Business by searching the tender database. It is a new start up industry initiative driven by industry for industry to address the many challenges in connecting small business to big business. A national campaign is underway to promote small companies to come and register. Big Business can play a role by loading tenders which will encourage small businesses to join this free network. Supply Chain Network - closing the gap between small business and big business.
SCNet provides procurement solutions to assist buyers to discover credible and empowered suppliers, with powerful and secure online quote management technology.
Yesterday | 1924 | Today | 1520 | Past 30 days | 57409 | Past 365 days | 739564 |